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Is An AI HOA Management Software Better Nowadays?

HOA management has increasingly relied on digital platforms to handle operations. Naturally, artificial intelligence (AI) developers have also created software that relies on AI to help you manage communities. But is AI HOA management software reliable? Is it a better option for your community? Let’s examine the benefits and risks of this new technology.


What Is AI?

Before discussing AI’s pros and cons for HOA communities, we need to define the technology. AI is a technology that makes software and hardware smart enough to handle tasks and answer questions that require human intelligence. They can make decisions, translate languages, and offer solutions to various problems.


How is AI Used in HOA Management?

Like most industries, AI can have several different applications for HOA communities. In the HOA management world, one of the biggest potential benefits is the ability to predict when equipment, appliances, and assets will deteriorate. As a result, they can use that data to allocate a budget and schedule when certain things need repair or replacement.

AI can also enhance residents’ experiences by providing personalized services and communication. For example, virtual chatbots and concierges can point homeowners to the right facilities and receive service requests. This improves their quality of life and reduces the board’s workload.

Apart from this, one of AI’s most attractive points is that it can help board members make decisions regarding various issues. They can provide solutions regarding financial management, landscaping, and security. This can be useful if the board members don’t know what next steps to take.

Finally, AI HOA management software can automate repetitive tasks such as making payments and managing maintenance schedules and collections.


The Risks of AI HOA Management Software

AI-powered HOA management software can analyze large amounts of data, identify patterns, and spot trends humans often neglect. However, AI software is still limited in many ways. Let’s examine the risks and pitfalls of using AI-powered software for community management and operations.


1. Data Dependency

AI can only be efficient if you feed it a lot of data. Data is training for AI technology, so it can only function and provide efficient solutions with a lot of information. Incomplete information can often lead to significantly different results. The AI might recommend an action that is impossible—or worse, harmful.

In addition, AI can only work effectively if you feed it accurate and reliable data. For example, if you teach an AI tool that 1 + 1 = 3, the AI will use that information. Therefore, there is a large potential for errors. Developers and users must provide AI with representative and factual information. Otherwise, AI can work against and not for the HOA board and community.

Finally, AI needs to be trained constantly with updated information. This can be difficult as the human world is continuously changing and evolving. Everything from market fluctuations to unexpected events and regulatory changes can make AI recommendations and conclusions unreliable.


2. Biased Decision-Making

AI software tends to perpetuate biases in the data they have been rained on. This is why some technology and linguistics researchers have found that large language models like Google Gemini and ChatGPT hold racist stereotypes about those who speak African American vernacular.

Homeowners’ associations are bound by federal and state laws such as the Fair Housing Act, which protects people from discrimination based on race, gender, color, familial status, disability, religion, and national origin. If the AI HOA management software they use has these biases, they may accidentally discriminate against these groups of people because of AI.


3. Data Privacy Issues

AI-powered hoa management softwareOne of the largest issues with using AI HOA management software concerns data privacy. Since AI technology relies on large amounts of data to operate, homeowners may be apprehensive about giving away their information. The data could be misused or compromised and lead to stalking, identity theft, and other cybercrimes.

In addition, there are concerns about surveillance. Residents usually value privacy and want to be able to go about their business within their own homes. Using AI technologies like biometric scanners and facial recognition can feel invasive, as people might think they are being monitored more closely.

Furthermore, there are risks related to malware and data breaches. AI systems are often decentralized, raising the risk of vulnerabilities. Hackers can steal the residents’ and the HOA’s sensitive data, such as bank information, account numbers, and personal details. This could lead to significant financial losses for the entire HOA community.


4. Liability

If an HOA or management company chooses to use AI software, they should know that they may be exposed to liability. The association is typically responsible for protecting the homeowners’ sensitive information. Disgruntled homeowners may file a lawsuit if the AI HOA management software is hacked.


5. Over-Reliance on AI

HOA managers and board members who use AI might rely too much on the technology. While AI predictions can be helpful sometimes, they are usually based on probability. They are not foolproof. As we’ve discussed, AI needs vast amounts of constantly updated data. Moreover, these technologies can be prone to bias.


AI for HOA6. Lack of Transparency

AI algorithms are complex. They can be difficult to understand for homeowners, making them suspicious of the AI’s decisions. If homeowners feel that the software’s conclusions are unjust or arbitrary, this could lead to conflict and potential lawsuits.


Is AI HOA Management Software Better Nowadays?

AI might have improved in the last few years, but it seems there is a long way to go when using AI in HOA management software. These technologies rely heavily on human input, which can create many pitfalls and risks. These limitations can make relying on AI software to manage communities difficult.

Condo Manager is an HOA management tool that helps communities simplify operations through technology. Reach out to us at (800) 626-1267 or contact us online to request a demo!



10 Most Common HOA Service Requests And How To Handle Them

HOA service requests come in all shapes and sizes. But, more often than not, associations don’t have the tools and resources to handle each one.


What Are the Most Common HOA Service Requests Boards Receive?

Homeowners and condo associations collect regular dues from their members. They use these dues to fund the various expenses in the community, including insurance and management fees. These dues also go into maintenance and repairs of common elements as well as shared facilities.

Every once in a while, though, these elements can break down or become damaged, resulting in a need for repairs. Boards may not always notice these damages, so it is up to the homeowners to report them.

This is where service requests come in. Service requests, also known as work orders, are requests that homeowners or staff members submit to the association. Typically, the HOA manager or HOA board will review these requests and take action if necessary. These service requests come in different forms, though some are more common than others.


1. Broken Windows and Entryways

Whether it is at the clubhouse or shared as a common element in a condo, broken windows and entryways are nothing to brush off. A damaged door, for instance, might not close or lock properly, making it a security issue. A damaged window is the same way, but with the added risk of being dangerous to others.

No matter the damage or condition, it is imperative that boards inspect these service requests right away. In doing so, they can prevent further damage and make needed repairs immediately.


2. Damaged Sidewalk or Road

road repair | HOA service requestsFor non-gated homeowners associations, sidewalks and roads likely fall under the jurisdiction of the local government. In that case, if an HOA receives a service request concerning sidewalks and roads, it is best to forward it to the correct authority.

There are many homeowners associations, though, that are located inside gated subdivisions. For such communities, the responsibility of repairing sidewalks and roads may fall on the HOA. It is not uncommon for streets and sidewalks to become damaged after prolonged use. These surfaces suffer damages due to accidents, too.

When an owner submits a service request for this, boards must spring into action. That way, no further damages and accidents can occur. Moreover, damaged sidewalks and roads contribute to lower curb appeal.

Potential homebuyers will take one look at the state of these surfaces and immediately walk away. Leaving sidewalks and roads in disrepair for a long time can give the impression that the association does not care about the upkeep of the community.


3. Malfunctioning Elevators

Elevators are more common in condo or high-rise communities, though it is not unheard of to find them in the common facilities of single-family communities. Regardless of where they are located, elevators should receive regular maintenance. Boards must hire a professional to inspect all elevators on a routine basis to see if everything is working well.

But, even with regular inspections, elevator breakdowns can still happen. When an owner reports this to the HOA, boards must act quickly. A malfunctioning elevator is not only a nuisance but can also pose certain dangers to the well-being of members. This can result in potential liability for the association.


4. Water Filter Replacement

Some HOA communities use shared water filters. When these water filters become worn or accumulate a lot of sediment, they can affect the quality of water that comes out of the tap. Before long, the board will receive tons of the same service requests from unit owners simultaneously. Since water filters are more of a health issue, it is best to replace them when necessary and when the board gets a lot of complaints.


5. Landscaping

landscaping | HOA service requestsProper landscaping can breathe new life into any space. The added greens and beautiful layout can significantly boost the curb appeal in a community.

As such, it is important to have a professional company maintain the association’s landscaping.

Sometimes, though, bushes will begin to overgrow and the branches on trees will start to droop over. Grass will grow long and hedges will look unruly. An owner may submit a service request to have common area landscaping redone or retouched. In some communities, the HOA will hire a single landscaping company to take care of the common areas as well as individual owners’ homes (for a fee, of course).


6. Lightbulb Replacement

It may seem trivial to report a single dead lightbulb to the HOA, but it is still within the best interest of the community for the board to take a look at such a request. Replacing a lightbulb does not take a lot of time or effort. But, if the board notices that the same bulb always goes out, then there might be a larger underlying problem.

When replacing lightbulbs, it is a good idea to go with an energy-efficient option. Most local home improvement stores sell LED bulbs at affordable prices. These bulbs also tend to last longer, allowing for fewer service requests concerning lightbulb replacement.


7. Plumbing Requests

Whether it concerns a shared facility or a common element, plumbing requests are some of the most common HOA service requests boards will encounter. Plumbing systems can experience wear and tear, resulting in damage over time. When that happens, boards should expect owners to report the problem.

Boards must swiftly address any plumbing concerns. When left unresolved for even a short period of time, plumbing issues can quickly escalate and turn into water damage.


8. HVAC Maintenance

HVAC maintenance | HOA service requestsHeating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems require regular maintenance. This will minimize the risk of a breakdown.

But, sometimes, an HVAC system will still suffer damage even with careful cleaning and maintenance. There are a number of things that can go wrong — from clogged air filters and damaged condensers to malfunctioning ignitions and refrigerant leaks. Whatever it may be, it is best for the board to take immediate action and have a professional deal with the problem.


9. Pool Cleaning

There is just something alluring about living in a community with a swimming pool. But, without proper care and maintenance, pools can quickly turn disgusting.

Homeowners associations can prevent this by actively maintaining a pool cleaning schedule. But, an owner might still lodge a request to clean the pool every now and then.


10. General Cleaning

Shared spaces can quickly become dirty in an HOA community, especially the larger ones. Boards should expect owners to file service requests asking for a common facility or area to be cleaned. This may be due to someone spilling a lot of food somewhere or walking inside with muddy shoes. Whatever the case may be, general cleaning is one of the most common requests associations will receive.


How to Handle HOA Service Requests Using Software

Juggling service requests used to be more difficult in the past. But, in the digital age, homeowners associations no longer need to rely on pen and paper. With HOA software, owners can simply submit service requests online through a member portal. The board or responsible committee will then receive these service requests, sorted in whatever way the board chooses.

It is also possible to combine similar service requests into one. This way, there is no need to respond to each request individually. Once a request has been addressed, the board can simply reply and close the ticket. Then, it is time to move on to the next one.

Another benefit of HOA software is scheduling. Homeowners associations can minimize the number of service requests they receive by following a proper maintenance schedule. A lot of software comes with maintenance scheduling options that boards can tailor to their own specific needs. Once a maintenance task comes up, the software will remind the board and contact the necessary vendor/s.


The Importance of HOA Service Requests

HOA service requests are essential to the smooth functioning of any planned community. These requests notify the board of any problems within the community, allowing the board to inspect the problem for any potential damage. In doing so, the board can address these problems before they worsen.

In need of HOA management software that comes equipped with a service request module? Condo Manager is your best option. Call us today at (800) 626-1267 or contact us online for a free demo.



7 Ways HOA Software For Management Companies Can Improve Efficiency In The Workplace

HOA software is not only reserved for homeowners associations. Management companies can also use software to enhance efficiency and productivity within the workplace. Here’s why utilizing an HOA software for management companies is essential.


What Are the Benefits of HOA Software for Management Companies?

Everyone needs help, including HOA management companies. While employees are the backbone of any company, there is no harm in investing in added technological assistance. In fact, using HOA software is even beneficial because it can boost efficiency in the workplace.

How exactly can HOA software for management companies help? Let us count the ways.


1. Fills in Gaps in Knowledge

HOA management companies are in charge of the day-to-day operations of homeowners associations. Such companies usually employ a variety of workers with different levels of experience and expertise. Some staff members, though, are better trained than others. It is not uncommon for companies to have employees who are not as familiar or well-versed with HOA management.

This is where HOA software comes in handy. HOA software helps fill in any gaps in knowledge because the program is already designed with the specific purpose of managing communities. In many ways, HOA software acts as an extension of the management company.

HOA software comes with a multitude of features, including but not limited to accounting and bookkeeping, work order automation, invoicing and payment, homeowner communication, events management, and financial statement generation. If an employee is having trouble grasping one or more of these subjects, management software is there to save the day.


2. Eliminates Redundancies

Companies have long relied on manual operations. For generations, pen and paper have been the main tools workers use to get things done. The problem with this method, though, is that there is a lot of room for error.

People make mistakes. They can create double copies of invoices, process the same work order twice, etc. Not only does this constrict the natural workflow, but it also wastes time and valuable resources. If no one catches the error, the company may even end up losing money.

But then came the information age, and advancements in technology made it possible to digitize most business processes. With HOA management software for management companies, you can say goodbye to redundancies. A software is built to be smart, which means it is not as prone to committing errors. Plus, it certainly works faster.

When you’re done processing an invoice, HOA software will tag it as such and prevent you from processing it again. Similar work orders won’t pile up, and you can consolidate requests of the same nature into one.

In addition to eliminating redundancies, software also prevents deliberate mistakes borne out of criminal intent. It’s much easier to cook the books when you’re doing it manually as opposed to using software. In that way, HOA software also helps prevent fraud and other forms of financial dishonesty.


3. Automates Most Tasks

Management companies spend too much time working on repetitive and tedious tasks. This includes administrative or back-office tasks such as managing events, organizing file systems, and processing paperwork. These tasks, though, can be easily automated with the help of HOA software.

Once automated, these tasks won’t require as much time or energy from your employees. You can also schedule some tasks to complete themselves according to a calendar, such as sending monthly notices of dues, meetings, etc.


4. Easy to Learn

man teaching his co-worker | hoa management software for management companiesA common pain point among management companies is having to spend time and resources on employee training.

Not everyone picks up on things as quickly as you would like them to, especially when it comes to skills that typically take months or years to develop.

However, the same can’t be said about HOA software for management companies. HOA software normally boasts a shallow learning curve, making it easy for employees to grasp and become proficient in. These programs are intentionally designed to be user-friendly, only taking a few clicks to complete an entire work process.


5. Tailored Access

Management companies are typically privy to the data of HOA communities and the homeowners that live there. This includes names, addresses, contact details, account balances, and even banking information. When you work with sensitive information, you need to have internal controls that will guarantee nothing gets leaked or misused. That way, you can live up to the promise of financial integrity and protection that you make to your HOA clients.

The great thing about HOA software is that it allows you to do just that. HOA software readily comes with access and permissions, letting you adjust what employees can view, create, edit, or delete. You can also limit certain information, especially those that are confidential in nature, to only a few users. With such controls in place, you and your clients can rest easy knowing all your data is safe and secure.


6. Lets You Manage Multiple Communities at Once

Homeowners associations have it easy because they only have to manage their own community. On the other hand, HOA management companies have to deal with multiple communities that come in different forms and sizes.

Back in the old days, this would have meant organizing each community’s information manually into separate filing cabinets or folders. But, HOA software makes everything simpler.

HOA software lets management companies manage several communities simultaneously. You can separate communities by portfolios but manage them all from a single platform. It is also fairly easy to copy key information from one community to another, allowing you to set up new clients with just a few clicks.


7. Increases Productivity

Can HOA software for management companies increase productivity? When you add all of the above together, it is easy to see how.

Enhanced productivity is the natural outcome when you allow HOA software to fill in gaps in knowledge, eliminate redundancies, and automate tasks. Everything described here contributes to a more efficient workplace. And, when your workers are more efficient, they become more productive. Not only that, but they can produce higher quality output and promote client satisfaction.


The Answer to Your Efficiency Problems

Investing in HOA software for management companies is a proven strategy that can supplement employees, boost efficiency, and raise productivity. But, not all programs are made equal. Some are easier to use than others, and then there are those that lack essential features.



Why A Self Managed HOA Software Is Invaluable To An HOA

While there are some homeowners associations that receive help from a management company, there are many others that rely solely on the board for guidance. And it is these types of communities that usually require self-managed HOA software.


Features Critical to an Effective Self-Managed HOA Software

At a glance, it may seem like managing a homeowners association is easy. But, there are so many things that go into the process that it almost seems impossible without outside help. For some communities, that means hiring an HOA manager or management firm to pick up some of the slack. Others, though, opt to go for the more traditional route of using self-managed HOA software.

But, with countless options currently on the market, it can be difficult to tell which software is the best for your community. You may feel tempted to just go with the first free HOA software you can find, but taking such a relaxed approach to the selection process might come back to bite you in the end.

With that in mind, here are the four features you should look for in self-managed HOA software.


Accounting and Financial Management

accounting and financing software | free hoa softwareIf you ask anyone on an HOA board what the most challenging aspect of running an HOA is, chances are most people will say financial management.

Yet, accounting and financial management remain essential to your operations. Thus, it only makes sense to look for an HOA management software that boasts excellent accounting and financial management modules.

Of course, you can always hire an accountant to do all this work for you, albeit manually. But, with self-managed HOA software, you can do the work yourself and have more control over your association’s finances. Plus, your accountant will find this aspect of your software useful as well.

To break it down further, look for software that offers bookkeeping capabilities, cash flow management, bank reconciliation, financial reporting, and invoice processing. It also helps to have a program readily equipped with an online payment system. Not only will this help you streamline your process but it will also make it easier for both your association and its members to settle balances.



Homeowner communications are one of the more significant yet overlooked aspects of HOA management. People underestimate just how often board members need to distribute information to residents. And while you can get away with some parts of this using email or snail mail, it is wiser to use management software with built-in HOA communication tools.

Many programs allow you to create your regular newsletter right from the software itself, using templates and easy-to-use editing tools. From there, you can send the newsletter directly to homeowners with the help of a native email system. Several programs also come with a website and let you maintain it without hassle. This way, you can keep your online calendar up-to-date and easily upload any crucial documents or make important announcements.


Covenant/Rule Enforcement

Rule enforcement is definitely one of the more time-consuming parts of managing an HOA community. Board members need to conduct regular inspections for any violations, send out notices to homeowners, track progress, and keep up with reports. All things considered, next to financial management, this task is probably the most taxing.

But, since enforcing the CC&Rs is something every HOA board must do, you can’t just ignore it. You can, however, make the process much easier with help from a self-managed HOA software. Some programs come with a compatible mobile app, which you can use to snap photos of violations during your inspections. Then, you can import this data directly to the software. From there, you can start generating violation letters and automatically update your reports.

Beyond simplifying this aspect of community management, HOA software also allows you to enforce rules in an equal and consistent manner. Say goodbye to complaints and accusations of selective enforcement!


Maintenance Tracking

It is the primary job of a homeowners association to maintain the common areas of the community. Staying on top of maintenance tasks, though, does not come easy when done manually. Therefore, it is best to go with HOA software that offers maintenance management and tracking features as well.

With such a module in place, you can create service requests, track their progress, and fulfill work orders with ease. Many programs also allow you to email vendors directly from the software, receive alerts upon the expiry of a vendor’s insurance, and schedule preventive maintenance to address issues before they worsen.


Why You Need a Self-Managed HOA Software

It is easy to dismiss HOA software as “just another tool you buy but won’t use as much.” But, when it comes down to it, self-managed HOA software is something that every homeowners association can benefit from. Here are some of the reasons your HOA should invest in one today.


1. Saves Time

Running a homeowners association, even a small one, can eat up a lot of your time. When you have other priorities to juggle, HOA duties tend to get shoved into the back burner. But, because HOA software automates many of your tasks, the amount of time you need to spend on them is significantly reduced. If your software is cloud-based or comes with a mobile app, you can also do your work remotely.


2. Minimizes Errors

Completing HOA tasks manually opens up plenty of room for errors and inaccuracies. And this is only natural for humans. An HOA management software, though, is largely automated and reduces instances of errors. Some software can even spot inconsistencies in data and point them out to you.


3. Streamlines Processes

A management software eliminates the need for more laborious work and integrates all tasks in one neat place. Because much of the work is automated, it is a more efficient way of managing your community. You also don’t have to worry about important documents getting lost in a mountain of paperwork.


4. Helps With More Difficult Work

As explained above, self-managed HOA software can assist you with work that requires more skill or expertise. This includes accounting, bookkeeping, and financial management. You can prepare your budget, compare it with actual expenses, generate financial statements, and manage your accounts receivable with no worry.


5. Data All in One Place

cloud data storage | hoa communication toolsWhether your software is cloud-based or relies on a local server, you can’t deny that having easy access to data is a huge benefit. When you do things manually, you tend to organize your paperwork into piles or drawers. Searching for documents requires time and a lot of flipping through pages. Software, though, makes this process infinitely simpler. You can search for documents using keywords and organize them with just a few clicks.


6. Makes for an Easy Transition

Board members don’t hold onto their positions forever. In time, you will eventually need to pass on your duties to someone else. Without self-managed software, this usually involves having to hand over digital files and needing to explain where everything is kept. With software, though, the data remains in the same place. This makes the transition much smoother for both outgoing and incoming board members.


An Easier Time for All

After examining all the facts, it is undeniable that self-managed HOA software is essential to your homeowners association. When looking for the best one, though, financial management, communications, rule enforcement, and maintenance tracking are non-negotiable features. These features will not only make your job as a board member simpler, but they will also give residents an easier time.

Condo Manager offers the best HOA management software for self-managed communities. Call us today at (800) 626-1267 for more information or contact us online for a free demo.



How Can An HOA Management Software Help Delinquent Accounts

Just like any organization, homeowners associations are no stranger to bad debt. When homeowners fail to pay their dues on time, it results in delinquencies. But, did you know that management software can help you with HOA delinquent accounts?


What an Increase in HOA Delinquent Accounts Means for Your Community

A homeowners association is responsible for maintaining a community. It does this by providing services and amenities as well as enforcing covenants and rules. But, the money used to fund these things must come from somewhere. And, for HOAs, it comes from the homeowners themselves.

Associations regularly collect dues from members and use the money to maintain the neighborhood. The HOA board, comprised of volunteer members elected into their positions, is in charge of determining the dollar amount of these dues by preparing a budget and anticipating the upcoming year’s expenses. And, ideally, all homeowners would pay their dues on time and in full. Unfortunately, that is not the case with all associations. In fact, many HOAs have delinquent accounts.

But, what does it mean when an association experiences an increase in delinquent HOA dues? It can’t really be that bad, can it?

Since HOA dues are an association’s primary source of income, if you take that away, then the HOA won’t have enough money to pay for operating expenses. The HOA won’t be able to maintain the community properly, which can lead to decreased curb appeal and plummeting property values. In the end, it is the homeowners who will suffer.

The HOA board might try to recoup this loss using other means just to cover expenses. More often than not, this either involves raising dues the following year or charging special assessments. Neither of these options will go over well with homeowners. If the governing documents permit, an association may even take out a loan to pay for more urgent costs. But, loans bear interest, and the association will still need to take money from dues or special assessments just to pay off the loan.


How an HOA Management Software Can Help

All things considered, HOA delinquent accounts are never a good thing. They can signal something much direr, economy-wise, and can transfer most of the burden to paying homeowners. While it is clear that HOA delinquency is something all associations must steer away from, this is often easier said than done.

As a member of your HOA board, it is only normal to rack your brain trying to think of ways to prevent or remedy HOA delinquent accounts. Believe it or not, though, an HOA management software can help you with this problem. Here are four ways an HOA management software can address delinquencies in your community.


1. Send Out Automatic Notices and Reminders

Send Out Automatic Notices and Reminders | delinquent hoa duesHomeowners are busy. Between 9-to-5 jobs and their personal lives, they don’t always remember to pay their dues on time.

While you can argue that it is their responsibility to schedule it in their calendars, as a board member, it is your job to nudge them in the right direction. The problem is, sometimes you forget to send notices, too.

With an HOA management software, this problem practically solves itself. Most management programs allow you to send automated notices and reminders to your membership. All you need to do is plug in the details and set the schedule. Then, let the software do everything for you. Not only does this lighten your workload, but it also minimizes delinquencies because homeowners don’t forget about the deadline.


2. Convenient Payment Methods

It is one thing to remind members to pay their dues on time, but you also have to make it easy for them to do so. Many associations still use the traditional method of asking owners to mail their checks in. This approach, though, is often time-consuming and inconvenient for owners.

An HOA management system can step in and make the payment and collection process much more streamlined. Instead of mailing checks to the association, homeowners can simply pay their dues online. An HOA management software usually comes equipped with various online payment methods, including but not limited to credit cards, debit cards, ACH, and eChecks. When you make it easy for members to settle their dues, you can expect lower delinquency rates.


3. Track Delinquencies

How are you supposed to know how your HOA delinquent accounts are doing if you don’t track them? Sure, you can do it the old-fashioned way by recording them using pen and paper. You can even use a spreadsheet to do this. But, every time an owner settles their delinquent dues, you have to manually update your file.

Many management software offers easy delinquent HOA account tracking. This lets you check how many homeowners are delinquent, how much they owe, and how long they have had outstanding dues. Additionally, you can deduct their payments directly from their delinquencies, eliminating the need for you to deduct it yourself and manually updating your records.


4. Easy Escalation

Although the penalties for delinquent dues can vary from association to association, it usually follows a general process that starts with sending a demand letter along with a fine. If a delinquent homeowner still fails or refuses to settle their unpaid dues after that, the association can set up a payment plan. Some states, like Colorado, even require them. The usual next steps in the escalation process are as follows: Suspend member privileges, refer to a collection agency, file a lawsuit, place a lien, and foreclose.

If your association has a lot of HOA delinquent accounts, it can be difficult to know exactly where in the escalation map each one falls under. If you jump a few steps outlined within your governing documents, you may even find yourself in legal trouble. To avoid this and remain consistent with your policies, use HOA management software. This type of software allows for seamless escalation. Some even come with collection agency integration, making for easy referral and tracking.


The Benefits Are Apparent

Convenient Payment Methods | hoa delinquent accountsClearly, HOA delinquent accounts put homeowners associations at a disadvantage. They have a negative effect on your bottom line and can force your board to make unpopular decisions such as raise dues or levy special assessments.

More importantly, they are unfair to homeowners who do pay their dues on time. If you want to reduce delinquencies in your community, or at least have some control over them, then it is time to invest in HOA management software.

Self-managed communities can highly benefit from HOA management software, but looking for the perfect one is not always easy. Luckily, Condo Manager comes with all the features you will ever need. Call us today at 800-626-1267 or contact us online for a free demo.



How Important Is HOA Management Software Customer Support?

HOA management software is a major investment for many associations. Board members often choose a program that fits their budget and resources. However, to make the most of this investment, it’s important to have features that will help your community become more productive and efficient. One such feature is customer support. Here’s why HOA management software customer support is important.


Basics of HOA Management Software Customer Support

HOA management software has become a staple in many residential communities. The computer program takes care of the tedious administrative tasks that most associations deal with on a daily basis. For instance, sending invoices, responding to homeowner requests, tracking payments, and scheduling maintenance work takes up a lot of time.

With these day-to-day tasks taken care of, board members and managers can spend their time focusing on more pressing community matters such as financial planning and capital improvement projects.

HOA management software may require upfront or recurring costs, but it is a worthwhile investment. As administrative tasks become automated, HOAs can increase their efficiency and productivity levels.

When choosing an HOA management software, board members will choose features that are most essential to their association. The most popular features include accounting and financial management, communication tools, online payment systems, an easy-to-use interface, intricate reporting capabilities, and so on. However, one feature that many associations do not seem to consider is customer support.


Why Is HOA Software Customer Support Important?

HOA management software can make your life as a board member so much easier — but only if you’re able to use the program properly. Adapting to new technology can be confusing, especially as you come across technical issues. Customer support is essential because it allows you to maximize the benefits of your HOA management software. Here are the benefits of HOA or property management software customer support.


1. Easy Troubleshooting for Common Technical Issues

It will take associations some time before they can be truly comfortable with their new HOA management software. You may experience a lot of technical issues as you transition your manual operations to a digital system. There will be times when you won’t know how to deal with even the most common issues.

With customer support, HOA board members can easily find solutions to their problems. HOA management software customer support will already have documentation and guides that address common issues. A customer support agent can walk you through the necessary steps for troubleshooting your management software. Thus, you won’t have to waste time aimlessly tinkering with the program. You can deal with technical issues in a matter of minutes.


2. 24/7 Online Support for HOA Management Software

One of the best advantages of customer support is being able to receive help any time that you need it. Since board members also lead busy lives, some can only work on association matters at night. If you encounter any software issues late at night, you may have to postpone what you are doing until the next day or when business hours resume.

With 24/7 online support, there will always be someone who can assist you with your software issues. This is extremely beneficial for board members who are operating in a limited time. Customer support can help you become more productive because there won’t be technical issues getting in your way.


3. Seamless Integration with HOA Management Software

Customer support is designed for seamless integration with your HOA management software, official website, and even social media accounts. Customer support can access a homeowner’s request history, track pending tasks, access documents and reports, monitor homeowner and board communications, and so on. When customer support interacts with homeowners and board members, they will be able to draw upon relevant information to provide you with the best possible solution.


4. Assist Homeowners with Their Software Concerns

HOA management software customer support isn’t just for board members. Homeowners can benefit from this feature as well. If homeowners encounter problems with the online payment system or members portal, they can contact customer support for assistance. If you have a self-service option, homeowners can also resolve their problems on their own. The customer support feature will provide them with helpful guides and FAQs.

This helps lighten HOA boards’ workloads as well. You won’t have to constantly deal with calls, texts, or emails from homeowners who are having problems with the HOA management software. The time you spend dealing with these concerns can be better spent on other HOA management tasks.


5. Different Options for HOA Management Software Customer Support

Just like HOA management software, customer support comes in many different forms. You can choose an option that is best suited for the needs of your association. Here are the different types of customer support:

  • Phone Support: This is the most traditional type of customer support where a live customer service agent will help you with your concerns.
  • Interactive Voice Response: This option utilizes artificial intelligence to respond to your concerns. Based on your query, the IVR representative can access useful information or transfer you to a live agent.
  • Live Chat Support: Live chat can help address your concerns in a very timely manner. It’s a great alternative to phone support.
  • Email Support: Email may take longer than other customer support options. However, this is useful if you have long queries or complex issues as you have the medium to write down all relevant information.
  • Self-Service Support: Self-service allows you to explore different avenues and find the best solution to your problem. Since there is minimal interaction, this option is best for those who have non-urgent concerns.


Consider the Added Benefits of HOA Management Software Customer Support

Choosing HOA management software can be tedious and time-consuming. Board members want to find the best program for their association but also want to keep costs as low as possible. Many associations go with the bare minimum for this reason. However, since you are already making a major investment, why not maximize its benefits? With HOA management customer support, you will have the assistance you need to deal with minor to complex issues. You’ll be able to better navigate the ins and outs of your HOA management software, ensuring the highest levels of productivity and efficiency.

Ready to take the next step? Feel free to contact the Condo Manager team today! Call us at (800)-626-1267, email us at sales@condomanagerusa.com, or contact us online for a free demo or to learn more about our HOA software solutions.




How Can Association Management Software Help With Accounts Receivable?

Although homeowners associations are non-profit organizations, they still earn money for the purpose of maintaining the community. Keep up with your HOA accounts receivable with the help of an association management software.


What Are HOA Accounts Receivable?

A homeowners association receives money from its members in the form of regular dues or fees. The association treats this as revenues, which are then used to fund the various expenses within the community. Not all of these revenues are received at once, though. This is what is referred to as HOA accounts receivable.

Simply put, accounts receivable are money the association expects to receive. It is money that debtors owe to the HOA. This can take many forms. As explained in the previous paragraph, it can be the regular dues that homeowners owe to the association. It can also take the form of fees or monetary fines that homeowners incur as a result of violating covenants or rules.

Other times, an association’s accounts receivable can come from vendors issuing refunds. If an HOA undergoes litigation with a homeowner or vendor, any monetary damages the association expects to receive as a result can also be considered as accounts receivable.


Benefits of an HOA Software

While some homeowners associations can manage their receivables manually, there are many advantages to switching to a digital platform. In addition to other benefits such as work order management and homeowner communication, here is how an HOA software can help your association with HOA accounts receivable:


1. Manage Multiple Communities

HOA boards are usually responsible for looking after their own community, but that is not the case with management companies. Association management companies typically handle multiple communities at a time.

With so much on their plate, it can be difficult to track which receivables belong to which community. Additionally, every community has its own set of rules and payment guidelines.

With HOA software, management companies can juggle multiple accounts simultaneously. Separating communities into profiles makes it easier to stay on top of accounts receivables as well as other items.


2. Customize HOA Assessments and Fees

homeowners concept | HOA statement of receivablesIt is not unusual for regular assessment amounts to vary each year. A surplus in the budget for one year could affect the following year’s budget.

Rising labor rates, inflation, and a number of other factors can also influence how much an HOA charges in fees or the need for special assessments. Moreover, some associations do not charge a flat rate across all members. Some homeowners may pay more depending on the size of their unit.

This constant change can make things confusing when recording assessments manually. Plus, extra fees like pet fees and violation fees can further complicate the matter.

An HOA software, though, can simplify the process by allowing customization of fees and assessments. You can designate a profile for each homeowner and modify the charges as you see fit.


3. Save Time Through Automated Processes

It is no secret that technology has helped streamline many of our modern-day processes. The same applies to HOA accounts receivables. Manual processes can take up so much of your time — time better spent on more important issues plaguing your community. Additionally, a manual approach has more room for error.

An HOA software comes with fully automated features that can save you both time and money. You can pull up and print out statements of accounts for each homeowner with ease.

You can send out reminders for upcoming or overdue receivables. Most programs come integrated with calendars that you can use to schedule reminders so that they go out on their own at the appropriate time.

Management companies, in particular, can significantly benefit from automation. When you handle a multitude of associations and communities, the ability to process account statements and send reminders in large batches become a necessity.


4. Make Collections and Follow-Ups Easy

Perhaps one of the most tedious jobs associated with accounts receivables is the collection. Even though you send out timely reminders, some homeowners just miss deadlines either accidentally or intentionally.

With the help of an HOA software, you can keep track of these overdue accounts receivables in one neat place. Monitor how long payments have gone unpaid for each homeowner. You can also send follow-up reminders to homeowners who have yet to settle their balances.

In addition to this, you can also keep tabs on debtors who have settled payments with the association. For example, if a homeowner pays their association dues, you can log this information into the program immediately. Most programs even allow you to attach supporting photos and documents (such as deposit slips), making it easy for you to cross-reference payments.


5. Generate Reports Quickly

homeowners board member gathering data or report | HOA statement of receivables

Accounting will always remain a part of association management. That means preparing various accounting reports, such as income statements, balance sheets, and the like.

When it comes to accounts receivables, the associated report is the HOA statement of receivables.

Preparing the HOA statement of receivables is no easy task. If you have no prior experience or familiarity with this statement, you will find it fairly difficult to create or understand one.

An association management software, though, does the job for you. With technological help, you can generate a statement of receivables for any time period and learn how much the association is owed in one fell swoop.

A statement of receivables also usually comes with aging information. This will help you determine which overdue accounts have gone past 30, 60, and even 90 days.


6. Integrated Accounting System

Association management software offers fully integrated accounting solutions that comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). On top of keeping track of your HOA accounts receivable, an HOA software can help you with other accounting problems, too. This includes managing your HOA accounts payable, which are amounts and payments your association owes to other parties.


Efficiency Beyond Manual Solutions

Managing HOA accounts receivable can come as a challenge, especially for large associations or management companies with plenty of clients. When done improperly, accounts can get mixed up and overdue amounts may go uncollected. With an HOA software, though, you can say goodbye to endless hours of perusing through books and statements.

If your association or management company requires help handling accounts receivable, Condo Manager offers a fully integrated HOA software. Reach out to us today to learn more!



HOA Billing And Payment Processing Made Easier With HOA Software

Managing a condo or homeowners association is very time-consuming. Board members must be able to balance complex responsibilities including accounting, billing, and payment processing. Thankfully, there are HOA software programs that automate a lot of these responsibilities — resulting in more efficient day-to-day operations. If you’re interested in HOA billing and payment processing software, here’s what you need to know.


Maximize Efficiency with HOA Billing and Payment Processing Software

The latest advancements in technology have allowed community association management to evolve. Gone are the days when board members or managers had to file paperwork into cabinets, send notices by snail mail, or sit by the phone to await calls from homeowners. Today, HOA software has become the norm as it accomplishes the same tasks — but with increased efficiency, less operational expenses, and less effort.

If you’re interested in automating your association’s day-to-day operations, HOA billing and payment processing is a great place to start. Here are the benefits of having HOA software.


1. More Convenient Payment Options for Homeowners

With HOA payment processing software, homeowners can settle their monthly or quarterly dues online. This is much more convenient than having to physically hand over cash payments to the association or deposit checks to the bank. Homeowners also have more payment options such as credit cards, debit cards, or e-checks. As an added benefit, the convenience of online payment can also increase on-time payments from homeowners.


2. Easier Payment Tracking

tracking | HOA utility billingThe HOA software payment processing feature means easier tracking for board members or managers. Since most payments are made online, you can use the software to track which homeowners have settled their accounts and which haven’t. Having digital records of financial transactions will make financial tasks such as accounting and bookkeeping much easier as well.


3. Automated HOA Software Billing

HOA billing is one of the most important tasks of an association. There are also many components such as HOA utility billing and HOA fee billing. If these tasks are done manually, they can take up most — if not all — of your time. HOA software can automate the billing process and make it more convenient for board members. Even if your community continues to welcome new members, the association won’t struggle with the billing process. With HOA software, you can also automatically send invoices and notices to the entire community.


4. Accurate and Full-Service Accounting Features

HOA software will have all the accounting functions you will ever need. You no longer have to switch between different programs, which can increase accounting errors or emissions. Associations can also easily modify or reverse transactions for more accurate accounting. Boards can be more efficient since accounts payable, accounts receivable, and other important financial documents can be found in one place.


5. Real-Time Financial Reporting

HOA software will automatically update your accounts based on money coming in and out. Thus, associations can create real-time financial reports whenever they need it. You can easily customize reports with cover pages and other available templates. These reports also present financial information clearly and simply. It will be easy for board members to understand.


6. Simple and Easy-to-Use Interface

A lot of associations are hesitant to use HOA software because it sounds complicated to use. However, this software is specifically designed for associations. Thus, it is very simple and easy to use. The interface is very intuitive so both board members and homeowners alike will not have a hard time navigating through the different features. Moreover, HOA software comes with a support team that can assist you with whatever you need.


7. Mobile Compatibility

mobile | HOA fee billingOne of the best things about HOA software is that you can access it anywhere and anytime. As long as you have an internet connection, you can use your desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. Board members can continue to monitor the association even if they are outside the office.

Likewise, homeowners no longer have to call or email the association in order to access important information. They can simply log on to the website portal and find the documents they are looking for.


HOA Billing and Payment Processing Software Makes Community Association Management Easier

HOA billing and payment processing software is a worthwhile investment for any association. With HOA software, benefits like increased efficiency and productivity far outweigh the costs. HOA board members can become more effective because of the automation of time-consuming tasks such as accounting and billing. Homeowners can also benefit from more convenient payment options and 24/7 access to important documents.

Investing in HOA billing and payment processing also makes your community future-proof. It can stay competitive with other communities and continuously attract more homebuyers. If you have further questions, feel free to contact the Condo Manager team today!




7 Reasons Why You Should Use A Property Management Accounting Software

Investing in a rental property is a great way to earn passive income. But what you’ve likely learned by now is that managing a property is not passive at all. The financial responsibilities alone can take up most of your time. If you’re looking for a cost-effective solution, consider investing in property management accounting software.


What Is Property Management Accounting Software?

Property management software is a computer program designed to assist landlords or property managers with their day-to-day activities. There are plenty of options in the market today, so the best property management software is one that meets your specific needs.

For instance, if financials are your weak spot, you can choose accounting software for property managers. However, if you need a full suite of management services, there are also more comprehensive programs available. Some essential software features include financial reporting, invoicing, online payment processing, maintenance management, and violation tracking.

If cost is a major consideration, there are also custom property management software options. You won’t have to spend on features and functionalities that you don’t need. Landlords and property managers can easily select the features they need help with.


Why Should You Use a Property Management Accounting Software?

Property management software can help you become a more efficient and productive landlord. If you need further convincing, here are seven reasons why it’s a worthwhile investment.


1. Save Money in the Long Run

accounting software | best property management softwareProperty management accounting software is no longer as expensive as before. Advancements in technology have made these programs accessible at lower price points. Even though there is still an upfront payment, you will save money in the long run.

For instance, accounting software can help you with day-to-day tasks that used to take hours to accomplish. You will just need to input the numbers and the computer program will organize all the transactions. Since accounting tasks are more manageable, you won’t have to hire a bookkeeper for simple data entry tasks.


2. Reduce Accounting Errors

Property management software automates accounting and bookkeeping tasks, which means you can avoid accounting errors. Even unintentional mistakes can have costly consequences on your finances. With accounting software, landlords and property managers can be more confident with their financial records. Time saved on other financial tasks can also be spent reviewing your numbers and spotting inconsistencies.


3. Advanced Financial Reporting Capabilities

Property management accounting software comes with advanced reporting capabilities. Thus, landlords can generate monthly or quarterly financial reports for their rental properties.

These reports are also easy to understand even if you don’t have a financial background. You won’t have to wait for your annual or biannual appointment with your CPA to make sense of your financials. Landlords can use these reports to keep track of their finances and make better decisions for their rental properties.


4. Accessible from Anywhere, Anytime

Choose a property management accounting software with cloud-based storage so that you can access your financials from anywhere and at any time. Mobile compatibility also enables you to see your financials from a desktop computer, tablet, and smartphone.

Many landlords are hesitant to switch to online property management software because the data might get corrupted or lost. With cloud storage, though, you can have peace of mind knowing that your financial records are safe and secure. Data backup and recovery have been simplified as well so you don’t need to call a technician to access your date from another device.


5. Increased Software Security

data security | accounting software for property managersProperty management accounting software comes with security features so you won’t have to worry about confidential or sensitive data being stolen or leaked.

Make sure that your chosen accounting software offers multiple layers of security such as encryption and authentication safeguards, as well as regular software updates.


6. Easy to Scale

Scalability is another top reason for using property management accounting software. The computer program can easily adapt if the landlord needs more storage or provides access to their property manager or accountant.

Even as you expand your portfolio, you can still use the software to manage the financials of your different rental properties. As your property management team grows, the software can also help increase efficiency and reduce redundancies.


7. More Than Just Accounting

Just like landlords or property managers who have a wide range of responsibilities, property management software can be used for more than just rental property accounting. These computer programs have other desirable features that can make your day-to-day tasks more manageable. For instance, with invoicing and payment processing capabilities, you won’t have to physically collect rent from your tenants. You can send invoices electronically while tenants can settle their accounts online as well.


The Best Property Management Accounting Software for Your Needs

Those who are not ready to invest can choose free property management software — though the functionalities may be limited compared to paid versions. However, if you think you’ve found the best property management accounting software for your needs, most options will offer a free trial. By now, though, you have a better understanding of property management accounting software and how they can make your job as a landlord more convenient. With the software, you can really enjoy your passive income and spend more time with family and friends.

Looking for property management software for landlords? Feel free to contact the Condo Manager team today! Call us at (800) 626-1267, email us at sales@condomanagerusa.com, or contact us online to learn more about our property management solutions.



5 Ways The Condo Manager Software Improves HOA Communication

Communication in homeowners associations is crucial for success. However, with so many tasks and responsibilities, it can be easy to forget appointments, misplace paperwork, or lose track of conversations — leading to communication breakdowns between homeowners, board members, and their association managers. Condo Manager software improves HOA communication so you can enjoy more seamless and efficient operations.


How Condo Manager Software Improves HOA Communication

Condo Manager is designed by association management experts and created specifically to address the needs of HOA communities, both big and small. Our software is equipped with HOA communication tools that you can use to improve the communication process of your community. Here’s what you can expect from Condo Manager.


1. Comprehensive HOA Database

Have all the information you’ll ever need at the touch of your fingertips. Condo Manager offers a web portal where you can create profiles for homeowners, tenants, vendors, properties, and associations.

The software will keep personal information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and emergency contact details. If there is an urgent matter, you can quickly lookup a homeowner’s contact information to quickly resolve the issue.

Condo Manager also keeps track of account balances and violation reports. Homeowners won’t have to call management to inquire about unsettled dues. They can just log into the web portal. As a result, associations won’t be overwhelmed with homeowner requests and can free up communication lines for more urgent matters.


2. Detailed Communication Logs

Condo Manager will store the full communication history of your association. The software allows you to monitor past letters, emails, and phone calls from homeowners, tenants, and vendors. The communication log will also show dates, times, call durations, notes, and personnel involved for your reference. Thus, you can always pick up where you left off. Associations won’t have to waste time retreating old ground and HOA members won’t become frustrated at having to repeat themselves during every call.

Condo Manager has robust tracking capabilities as well. For management companies handling multiple associations, the software can track how many hours were spent on communication. The Profitability Module will mark all billable items and generate a full report for easy invoicing. Since everything is detailed, companies can have effective communications with HOA associations that they handle.


3. Streamlined Communications

communication with HOA associationsAssociations spend a lot of time connecting accounting and service records with their communications. You have to jump between word processors and spreadsheets, cross-reference records, and double-check emails to get the information you need.

And even then, there are still a lot of opportunities for error. Condo Manager has streamlined the communication process so that your management team can work faster and more efficiently.

Our all-in-one-software has an integrated word processor. You can create letters for collections, violations, architectural requests without having to leave the program. There are custom options and templates so that you can quickly create letters and settle urgent issues in a timely manner.

Condo Manager also has email integration so you can send these letters, as well as financial reports, maintenance requests, and work orders, directly from the software. All you need to do is press the “Send by Email” button and it will be sent. You can also customize the settings to control when emails are sent and who they are sent to. Moreover, the software saves all the emails you send in case there is a need to retrieve the information later.


4. Convenient Reminders and To-Do Items

Condo Manager has built-in reminders and to-do tracking features so you’re always on top of association requests. For instance, you can set reminders to follow-up with homeowners. By keeping appointments, homeowners will feel seen and heard by their association.

The software can also create to-do lists to manage vendors‘ upcoming work orders. You can also set notifications for insurance expiration dates, utility payment due dates, or upcoming inspection dates to prevent lapses or service disruptions in your community.


5. Mobile Compatibility

We also offer Condo Manager Live, which allows you to access the software from a smartphone, tablet, or other mobile devices. Just as long as you have an internet connection, you can keep up with HOA communications.

You’ll be able to access account balances, violations, and work orders, as well as respond to emails and requests, even if you are out of the office. If managers or board members are unable to handle a certain request while off-site, they can easily send an email to concerned homeowners to ensure them that their request has been received.


Find Out How Condo Manager Improves Association Communication

The Condo Manager team understands the unique challenges that associations face, especially when it comes to HOA communications. With your specific issues and needs in mind, our association management experts developed software from the ground up to provide the solutions and support that you need.

Condo Manager is also more than just communications software. It features a full suite of services that can help with the day-to-day management of your community. For instance, simple but comprehensive accounting tools will make it easier to keep track of finances and maintain the financial health of your association.

Condo Manager can also be utilized as self-managed HOA software or by management companies handling multiple associations. The software can be tailored to deliver the association management services that you need the most.

Ready to find out how Condo Manager improves communication? Do not hesitate to call us at (800)-626-1267, email us at sales@condomanagerusa.com, or contact us online for a free demo or to learn more about our HOA software solutions.